Sunday, January 1, 2012

Dawn Patrol | Costa Rica

Malpais is a small town, but a popular destination for surfers. Lugging two surfboard bags through international customs paid off in full here. The surf was up every morning and so was the "Dawn Patrol" - that's what we called the crew who got up at the crack of dawn to hit the beach. My first time surfing was an interesting experiment - paddling out past the break was way tougher than I imagined. The board ended up flipping out and flying skyward on my every attempt to catch a wave (but I still had fun!). Kudos to our friend Josh for bringing the boards and trying to teach three novices how to surf.

Other than getting a laugh watching the first time surfers, the rest of the gang enjoyed playing in the tide pools, looking for critters, and admiring the scenery. We were lucky to have tide pools at the beach house and at the surf  point.


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