Monday, January 28, 2013

Bighorn National Forest, WY (plus a video!)

We made our way to Bighorn National Forest in Wyoming, near the Montana border.

We went for an afternoon hike-turned-firewood-scavenging-mission, in which we both lugged sizable sticks back to our campsite, while doing arm exercises, for good measure. (Gota use what you have handy! -T) We camped through a very chilly night - pretty sure it got down to the low 30's! It was quickly evident that our camping gear was not up to snuff for the extreme mountainous temperature swings; I don't think we slept more than a wink that night. The next morning there was a steady rain so Taras built us a tarp shelter so we could have a fire for breakfast (crafty, that guy!).  The beautiful campground made up for the weather - we camped right next to a little creek and there was the most delicious well water at the campsite.

Later that day we set out for a drive through the National Forest. This was our first day driving through legitimate mountain ranges, with steep grades and sharp curves. I was white-knuckled the whole time. Thankfully there were a few lookout points to pull over and enjoy the stunning views - at one point we even had to pull over and cool off the car brakes. At an elevation of 9,287, we were driving through the low-laying clouds and spotting snow that had yet to melt (it was June!).

Enjoy the video at the bottom of the post of Taras trying to cross the creek by our campsite :)



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