Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Cleveland, OH

We had no preconceived notions about Cleveland, OH, except maybe some humorous ideas from the tourist-guide video our friend Stephen sent us.

We began by exploring the Tremont neighborhood. There happened to be an art walk that day, so we wondered around to some cool galleries, photography exhibits, and boutiques. The area was perfect for the art walk! The whole neighborhood feels very cozy, with mostly single family homes where people sit on their porches enjoying the warm weather (Amanda said the whole atmosphere, combined with the weather, made her imagine what an evening in Richmond, VA would be like). After grabbing some tasty bites at Michael Simon's Lolita (which was pretty cool! We love the concept of offering $5 bites at the bar during happy hour), we grabbed a beer at one of the local bars and were happy to find the Cleveland Indians playing the Red Sox on TV! This was a cool experience of cheering for our home team in the rival's city (and the Sox won!). We even made some friends after dinner, who upon seeing us walk around the neighborhood that evening called us "Hey, Boston!"

In the early 20th century, many eastern European immigrants settled in Tremont while working in the area's steel mills. Because of this, there are many beautiful churches surrounding the area, most notably the St. Theodosius Russian Orthodox Cathedral.

We were very happy to see many people riding bikes and even some type of an organized ride with 30-some participants. Unfortunately, when we tried to go ride around downtown, we discovered the first flat tire of the trip on my bike, so we stayed afoot.

As far as downtown goes - we did see some great architecture, namely the library and the courthouse. We took to a touristy elevator ride up to the Terminal Tower Observation Deck, only to be somewhat disappointed by the views from above. The deck is all enclosed in glass and pretty small - just not what we expected.


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